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Neuroscience Bulletin杂志

Neuroscience Bulletin杂志


Magazine introduction

《Neuroscience Bulletin》出版的神经学上各种主题的原始论文,侧重于神经系统疾病的潜在影响。以突出基础、兼顾临床、包容性强、读者面宽为特色。本刊编委会阵容强大,共有9名院士担纲,以确保期刊质量。

《Neuroscience Bulletin》是我国神经科学研究领域主要的英文学术期刊,在神经科学界被公认为是代表中国神经科学研究水平的刊物,并形成了稳定的读者群。

栏目设置: 研究报告、简报、进展、系列讲座、神经科学家、神经科学新闻、消息简讯


Magazine introduction

Notice for Online Submission:

You need to CREATE your own account (USER ID and PASSWORD) the first time you use this system. Then LOG ON to the server using your USER ID and PASSWORD, and submit your manuscript according to the instructions provided. If you forget your USER ID or PASSWORD, please use the PASSWORD HELP, enter your e-mail address to receive an e-mail with your account information.

If you cannot access the online system or have any problems with online submission, please contact with the Editorial Office at nsb@sibs.ac.cn.

Manuscript file types that we accept for online submission include Word, WordPerfect, and TXT. For Figure submission, we accept JPEG, TIFF, or AI files. Required items differ for each article type and are specified during the submission process.

The submitted manuscript should be accompanied with a signed “Neuroscience Bulletin copyright transfer statement and submission form” stating that all work is original, has not been published previously, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The corresponding author responsible for the originality, legality and validity of the work must sign the form.

Authors can refer to a recent issue of NB to view the general layout. The entire manuscript text should be double-spaced with font Time New Roman 12. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. All abbreviations should be accompanied by their full names on their first appearance in the text, in parentheses. All quantities and units should be expressed according to international standards, and SI units must be used throughout. When an Arabic number precedes an SI unit, the unit symbol should be used rather than its full name, such as 2 s (two seconds), 2 min (2 minutes), 2 h (two hours), and 2 d (two days). Symbols are not followed by a period (e.g., min, not min.). Gene symbols should be italicized; protein products of the loci are not italicized. Nonstandard abbreviations should be defined when first used in the text. Use of abbreviations should be kept at a minimum.

Manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English and be intelligible to a broad readership. Prior to submission, authors may benefit from having their manuscript reviewed for clarity by colleagues and/or by using one of the many English language-editing services that are available.




Magazine introduction



Magazine introduction

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